Music in the Park Wristbands Off to a Flying Start
Wristbands for Music in the Park 2015 were available for the first time today and the keenest fans of the event, determined not to miss out this year, were to be found heading for the Guildhall.
The sales point will usually be found in the lower foyer of the Guildhall, by the Roysse Room, but may have to be moved up to the main entrance when there are formal events in the Roysse Room. It will be open 10am to 2pm on weekdays, Tuesday evenings from 6pm-8pm, and there will also be wristband sales events on some Saturdays as advertised on this website. This Saturday 21st March we will be joining the Science Festival on the Market Place between 10am and 4pm and Saturday 28th March we will be back in the Market Place to make sure that dedicated Music in the Park fans who work Monday to Friday are not prevented from buying tickets.
The Easter holidays may cause a break in the opening hours of the sales point so please check this newsfeed for further selling times. For further information about wristbands and the terms and conditions when obtaining them, please click here.