Abingdon-on-Thames has several venues of various sizes for putting on amateur and semi-professional productions and our town drama and dance groups make full use of them with several productions taking place each year.
If your club or society is not listed below or in the directory of all societies and you think it ought to be please contact us.
Abbey Chamber Concerts
Concerts one Sunday each month 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Simon Payne 01367 718420
St Nicolas Church, Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3JL
Abingdon Music Centre
Community choirs and orchestras, guitar, ukulele, recorder and other instrumental groups. Music for all ages and pre school groups for relaxing sessions with parents. Swingtime and varied styles, also classical and all ages use the music centre. Popular town organisation with regular concerts, some in St Helen’s Church.
Formerly at Guildhall the base is now Larkmead School with outreach at other venues which include Checker Walk.
admin@abingdonmusic.co.uk www.abingdonmusic.co.uk for a full listing with days of the week
Ashnah American Tribal Style® Bellydance
Ashnah – ashnahbellydance@googlemail.com
www.ashnahtribalbellydance.com Dance for Wildlife in Autumn
Conservative Club, 59 Ock Street, Abingdon OX14 5AG
Abingdon Town Band
Steve Rich 01235 535178
Brass Band
Abbey Brass
Breakaleg Productions Drama Group non-operational this season
Mike Davies through Oxfordshire Drama Network
Ceroc Dance Classes
Ceroc Oxford ceroc_oxford@hotmail.com
Oxford venue hopefully returning one day to Guildhall, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE
Drama Club
Abingdon Drama Club
Mike Ward chairman@abingdon-drama-club.com
Club premises 6 Marcham Road, OX14 1AA
Giving assistance to new drama initiative in 2020 Moonhawk which will work to provide opportunities for local, talented performers and crew hoping t get into the acting profession through college, university or rep theatre
Film Society
Abingdon College & District Film Society weekly film nights October to April
Geoff Bailey info@abfilms.org.uk
Abingdon Resource & Wellbeing Centre, Crabtree Place, Audlett Drive, OX14 3GD
Silent film each March in St Nicolas Church with pianist from the British Film Institute
Harmony InSpires
Ladies A Cappella Chorus
Rehearsing in Appleton
Contact Claire Cookson: info@harmonyinspires.org
Morris Dancers
Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers
Morris Dancers
Mr Hemmings Traditional Morris Dancers
Music Society
Abingdon & District Music Society
Linda Staniford lindastaniford@hotmail.com
Old Gaol Theatre
Old Gaol Theatre Company not operating this season
Abbey Strings
Abingdon Symphony Orchestra
Isis Chamber Orchestra
Thames Vale Youth Orchestra
Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra
Scottish Country Dancing Club
Abingdon Scottish Country Dance Club
Hilary Adams, hilaryadams47@gmail.com
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX141NS