Abingdon-on-Thames enjoys a unique closeness to the natural environment for a town of its size. Local people enjoy this aspect of living here to the full and there are many clubs and societies devoted to enjoying, conserving, preserving, exploring or maintaining our environment.
Town Council are supporting any initiative within its services that can contribute to green policies and action against global warming. Abingdon Carbon Cutters have Wednesday meetings. See AbiBinIt information and the civic Plastic Free Abingdon initiative.
Local walkers in towns and local villages ‘leave only footprints’ including picking up the trash of others and dog walkers who pick up not only after their own pet but any other foul material which gives dogs a bad name.
Any local club or society not listed below which is not listed please contact the Town Council at enquiries@abingdon.gov.uk to submit an entry. You are welcome to add an event to the town diary which will in most cases accept an activity in an adjoining village.
Air Cadets
Abingdon Air Cadets
ATC Building, Whitecross, Abingdon, OX13 6BU
Astronomical Society
Abingdon Astronomical Society
Chris Holt 01865 725094
Methodist Church Hall, Dorchester Crescent, OX14 2AQ
AbiBinit! (litter picking initative)
AbiBinit organises group litter-picks and supports individuals doing their own.
Subscribe to mail list for updates or register planned attendance at group litter pick dates: events@abibinit.org
For queries and advice; lynne@abibinit.org
Abingdon Athletics Club
Club Secretary secretaryabingdonaac@gmail.com
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
Athletics Club
Radley Athletics Club
Kay Reynolds secretary@radleyathleticsclub.co.uk
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
Bowling Club
Abingdon Bowling Club
The Green Albert Park, Park Crescent, Abingdon, OX14 1DF
Cadet Force
Army Cadet Force (Abingdon Detachment)
Crabtree House, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, OX14 3GD
Canoe Club
Kingfisher Canoe Club
Wilsham Road, Abingdon, OX14 5LD
Car Club
MG Car Club (Abingdon Works Centre)
Kimber House, 12 Cemetery Road, Abingdon, OX14 1AS
Carbon Cutters
Abingdon Carbon Cutters
Sally Reynolds/Cliff Marshall carbon.cutters@gmail.com
Telephone: 01235 533278
Cricket Club
Abingdon Vale Cricket Club
Hales & Hays Meadow, Culham Road, OX14 3HP
Disability Access Group
Vale Disability Access Group
Mike Moon mmoon32102@aol.com
Drayton Road Allotments
Drayton Road Allotment Association
Football Club (Abingdon United)
Abingdon United Football and Social Club
Northcourt Road, Abingdon OX14 1PL
Football Club (St Edmund’s)
St Edmund’s Football Club
Geoff Young geoffandflorenceyoung@hotmail.com
Freewheeling Cycling Club
Abingdon Freewheeling
Friends of Abbey Meadows Outdoor Pool (FOAMOP)
Elizabeth Edgecombe emedgecomb@tiscali.co.uk
http://www.abingdonoutdoorpool.org.uk/ …
In addtion to Abingdon Horticultural Society’s gardening and talks on plantsmanship Abingdon Carbon Cutters make productive garden space of unloved spaces in the town using volunteers.
Stonehill Community Gardens
Wednesdays 10am to 4pm – open garden session, everyone welcome to drop in. Produce for sale, get involved or join for a cuppa. This is at Oday Hill, off the Drayton Road or off Peep o’ Day Lane from Route 5 Sustrans route if you are walking or cycling. www.stonehillgardens.co.uk
Also see the three the page for Allotments sites in town Long Tow, West End, Wildmoor which have individual societies run by members.
GO Active
VWHDC GO Active co-ordinator
Anna Capel-Davies anna.capel-davies@whitehorsedc.gov.uk
Green Gym
Abingdon Green Gym
Eleanor Dangerfield 07931 363465 abingdon.green.gym@googlemail.com
Hockey Club
Abingdon Hockey Club
Established 1885Membership: Ian Shepherd ieshepherd@yahoo.co.uk 01235203873Secretary: Angela Hughes angela.hughes8@talktalk.net 01235529316http://www.abingdon-hort-soc.org.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/AbHortSoc/ Meetings: Northcourt Centre
Lawn Tennis Club
Abingdon Lawn Tennis Club
James Eastwood jim@abingdontennisclub.com
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Lions International
Abingdon Lions Club sec@abingdonlions.org
Conservative Club, 59 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5AG
Morris Dancers
Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers
Tony Legge tonylegge@btinternet.com
Morris Dancers
Mr Hemmings Traditional Morris Dancers
Naturalists Society
Abingdon Naturalists Society
Abingdon School, Park Road, OX14 1DE
Netball Club
Abingdon Centre Netball Club
Julia Allaway 01235 209007
Rowing Club
Abingdon Rowing Club
Wilsham Road, Abingdon, OX14 5LD
Rugby/Football Club
Abingdon Rugby Football Club
01235 553810
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Sailing Club
Abbey Sailing Club
Mick Jones mickasc@googlemail.com
Abbey Sailing Club, Wilsham Road OX14 5LD
Scout Assocation
Abingdon District Scout Association
Sea Cadets
Abingdon Sea Cadets
Crabtree Place, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, OX14 3GD
Squash Club
Abingdon Squash Club
Graham Wellstead info@abingdon-squash.co.uk
Abingdon Squash & Racketball Club, Northcourt Road, OX14 1NN
St John Amublance
Meet at 200 Caldecott Road, Abingdon-on-Thames
St John Ambulance 40 High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DN
Contact Lauren Crawley, Unit Manager, Abingdon Vale Combined Division
07855 290253
Women’s Institute
Abingdon Evening WI
Justinia Wood 07977 001423 abingdoneveningwi@yahoo.co.uk
OX14 1AH
Wilts & Berks Canal Trust
Martin Buckland martin.buckland1@ntlworld.com
Abingdon Young Farmers
Abingdon Youth Football Club
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Abingdon Athletics Club