Cllr Elio Astone
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Astone is the Vice-Chair of the Finance, Governance and Asset Management committee, the Planning committee and the Town Infrastructure committee.
You can read the Council’s latest comments in the Thames Water SESRO and the Thames Valley Flood Alleviation Scheme, against the backdrop of the Chancellor’s speech on growth by clicking […]
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Astone is the Vice-Chair of the Finance, Governance and Asset Management committee, the Planning committee and the Town Infrastructure committee.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Barody is the Mayor of Abingdon-on-Thames for 2024-25. As Mayor she may sit on any standing committee of the town council ‘ex officio’ (by virtue of her office).
Green Party.
Cllr Briggs is the Vice-Chair of the Environment and Amenities committee and sits on the Community committee.
Cllr Briggs was Mayor of Abingdon in 2021-22.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Clover is the Vice-Chair of the the Community committee and sits on the Environment and Amenities committee and the Town Infrastructure committee.
Liberal Democrat
Cllr Crick sits on the Environment and Amenities committee.
Cllr Crick was Mayor of Abingdon for the year 2018-19.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Fawcett is the Chair of the Community committee and sits on the Finance, Governance and Asset Management committee.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Forder sits on the Finance, Governance and Asset Management committee and the Traffic Advisory committee.
Liberal Democrat
Cllr Giddins is the Chair of the Planning committee and sits on the Community committee and the Town Infrastructure committee.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Greenaway is the Chair of the Environment and Amenities committee, the Chair of the Traffic Advisory committee and sits on the Finance, Governance and Asset Management committee and the Town Infrastructure committee.
Liberal Democrat.
Cllr Gunarajah sits on the Community committee, the Town Infrastructure committee and the Traffic Advisory committee.
Cllr Gunarajah has decided not to take his councillor allowance from 1st April 2025.