Mindfulness for Health 8-week online course
An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Saturday, repeating until Saturday 12th November, 2022
Are you living with pain or illness? Feeling isolated, worried or low as a result of a health condition?
Whether your condition is short or long-term, diagnosed or undiagnosed – this course is for you!
Over eight sessions in a small, friendly group this course will introduce simple yet powerful mindfulness practices to soothe tension and help you live well with your pain and illness, rather than feeling you are always fighting against it.
The course is based on both clinical research and the lived experience of Vidyamala Burch, who has used Mindfulness to manage a debilitating pain condition for 30+ years (you’ll receive a free copy of her book Mindfulness for Health, which won first prize in the 2014 British Medical Association Awards). You’ll also receive recordings of guided meditations to support your learning.
People completing this course report lasting benefits including:
✅ Greater quality of life
✅ Catastrophising less about their pain
✅ Greater capacity to manage their health symptoms
✅ Better quality rest and sleep
✅ Increased activity levels despite pain
✅ Feeling less emotional distress, anxiety and depression
✅ Feeling less isolated and more connected to others
Saturdays, 10.30-12.30 (first session 10-12.30)
24th September – 12th November
Online, via Zoom
To book your FREE* place (usually £250) contact: wantagemix@gmail.com / 07768 767787
*Places are free for Oxfordshire residents. £50 deposit required, refundable on completion of course.