The Arts Society Abingdon Lecture – The Story of Westminster by Caroline Shenton
The Story of Westminster Hall by Caroline Shenton
The great Anglo-Norman feasting hall created by William the Conqueror’s son, William Rufus, has stood at the heart of the Palace of Westminster for over 900 years. It has played host to royal magnificence, coronation feasts, chivalric games, law courts, and the lyings-in-state of Kings, Queens and Prime Ministers. Its famous hammerbeam roof has survived throughout and remains one of the greatest examples of medieval carpentry in the world. Discover the story of this extraordinary space through gorgeous images from the Parliamentary Art Collection, and insights from the former Director of the Parliamentary Archives.
Visitors are very welcome to attend this lecture, cost £6.00. If you are unable to come in person, you can view on live on Zoom at 10.30am and 2pm. Please email info@theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk for further information on Venue, any latest changes and updates. Lectures last 1 hour but allow extra time for announcements etc. For more information on future lectures and other activities see www.theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk or email info@theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk