Abingdon-on-Thames is fortunate to have a large number of clubs and societies for residents to get involved with. They are invited to take part in town events like Fun and Music in the Park to enable them to meet with potential new members.
The town council also welcomes applications for community grants from local clubs and societies and further information can be found here.
A list of Clubs & Societies in Abingdon-on-Thames is given below. If you have any additions or changes to the list, please contact enquiries@abingdon.gov.uk. We will need to verify that you and the society are local, either in Abingdon or with Abingdon residents as members.
Friends of Abingdon Civic Society
The Friends of Abingdon Civic Society aims to make Abingdon a great place to live, work or visit, to foster civic pride and promote the civic life, heritage and environment of the town. The Society also works to encourage high standards of historic conservation, planning and development, worthy of the town’s civic tradition and character. Our activities include organising events such as Heritage Weekend and Bank Holiday Walks.
Website: https://abingdoncivicsociety.org.uk/
Contact: chair@abingdoncivicsociety.org.uk
Town Societies
Is your club or society new, or is it not listed below? Call in at Information or please contact the Town Council at enquiries@abingdon.gov.uk to give us the information. Updates can be sent in by a named committee member. Any individual in town is welcome to add an event taking place this year or next year to the main town Events diary which is available for the community.
Abingdon Abbey Buildings Trust
Abbey Buildings Trust manages the Abbey Buildings.
01235 525339
Abingdon & District National Trust Association
Website – www.abingdonnt.org.uk
Meetings held at Trinity Church hall.
Abingdon Arts Society formerly ADFAS Decorative and Fine Arts Society
Part of the national network NADFAS which has meetings and good quality speakers talking on arts subjects in many towns, monthly in Abingdon and Wantage. Abingdon Arts Society talks are mainly third Wddnesdays at Trinity Church Hall OX14 1DB.
Contact: James Wigmore
Email Address: abibikegroup@gmail.com
Abibike campaigns for impovement of cycling services and facilities for good health, environment, carbon cutting, safety.
Abingdon Adventurers
The Abingdon Guild of Adventurers is a group of tabletop roleplaying game enthusiasts based in and around Abingdon.
Abingdon Atoms Korfball Club
Korfball is a mixed gender sport played by teams made up of four men and four women and combines some of the skills of netball and basketball. We’re a friendly club always looking for new players whatever your experience or ability. Training takes place on Thursdays with games on Sundays during the league season.
Abingdon IPMS – Abingdon’s Plastic Scale Model Club
Abingdon IPMS prides itself on being a friendly club with a reputation for high standards of modelling and high levels of fun. We are a very inclusive group and welcome members from all backgrounds and skill levels. If you have any interest in scale modelling, regardless of your skill levels, and want to meet like-minded people, why not come along, and meet us? Full details are on our website.
Website: https://www.abingdonipms.co.uk
Contact details: secretary@abingdonipms.co.uk
Abingdon Kyushindo Karate
Kyushindo at the Abingdon Conservative Club, Ock Street, is ideal for juniors and adults. There are also clubs in Didcot, Faringdon, Oxford and Reading established in the 1960s.
Kyushindo is a Martial Art influenced by traditional Shotokan Karate and Judo Japanese styles with the flowing forms of Chinese ‘soft style’ arts principally Tai Chi and Baguazhang. We emphasise effective techniques rather than physical strength. Kyushindo is trained in a safe environment by knowledgeable and experienced instructors. Techniques are applied safely and skilfully in partnered practice and non-contact sparring.
Kyushindo is not a business which keeps costs very low.
Geoff.Broughton@hotmail.co.uk 07708 197743
Abingdon Silent Book Club
We meet twice a month for book club events, which you can find detailed on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1173459060354090/.
The King’s Head & Bell, 10 East St Helens St, OX14 5EA
Local support groups for adult and young addiction are on County information or call at Citizens Advice
help@alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk 0845 769 7555
Overeaters Anonymous 0700 078 4985
Air and Country Show
Oxfordshire Air Ambulance is a major beneficiary of the Show which is run by volunteers in the Abingdon community.
Air Cadets
Abingdon Air Cadets
ATC Building, Whitecross, Wootton, Abingdon, OX13 6BU
Alzheimers Support
Healthy Abingdon (see below) has information on memory events for people of any age.
Anglo-German Club
Abingdon Anglo-German Club
Abbey Chapel, Chequer Walk, Abingdon, OX14 3JB Monthly Thursday talks in English with social events
Abingdon Artists
Club meetings and public exhibitions in Spring and Autumn
Ashnah American Tribal Style® Bellydance
Ashnah – ashnahbellydance@googlemail.com
www.ashnahtribalbellydance.com Autumn Dance for Wildlife
Conservative Club, 59 Ock Street, Abingdon OX14 5AG
Astronomical Society
Abingdon Astronomical Society
Chris Holt 01865 725094
http://www.abingdonastro.org.uk/ viewing nights for non members as well
Methodist Church Hall, Dorchester Crescent, OX14 2AQ
Athletics Club, Radley
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
Abingdon Athletics Club (formerly Abingdon Amblers)
Club Secretary abingdonacsecretary@gmail.com
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
ATOM Society
ATOM is an Abingdon based society that is open to everybody with an interest in science and technology. Every month we have talks and friendly events for our members.
Badminton Clubs
Refer to the sports pages for five clubs, also Get Oxfordshire Active has sessions
James White: james.white.riverview@gmail.com
Bear Club
The oldest dining society in the country – The Abingdon Bear Club
Contact Treasurer Marcus Smith on m.smith90@ntlworld.com
White Horse beaders meet once a month for this creative craft
Bell ringers
The Society of Bellringers in Abingdon welcomes new ringers and visits from other tower teams. See the Church in Abingdon information as well
See Sports Club section the club’s main meeting and training place is Preston Road Community Centre
Bowling Club
Abingdon Bowling Club
The Green Albert Park, Park Crescent, Abingdon, OX14 1DF
Abingdon Town Band
Steve Rich 01235 535178
Busby Dance Classes
Busby Dance run children’s Ballet and Street Jazz classes at Trinity Church in Abingdon on Monday afternoons. For more information contact email busbydancing@gmail.com or 07856 617142
Abbey Brass
Concert Band includes woodwind information below. Brass groups through Abingdon Music Centre
The Abingdon Bridge
Support for young people at TAB includes activities and counselling
27 Bridge Street, Abingdon, OX14 3HN
Cadet Force
Army Cadet Force (Abingdon Detachment)
Crabtree House, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, OX14 3GD
Camera Club
Abingdon & District Camera Club
Steve Oakes 01235 200793 abingdoncameraclub@gmail.com
Methodist Church Hall, Dorchester Crescent, OX14 2AQ Annual open photography competition
Canoe Clubs
Kingfisher Canoe Club
Pathfinders Canoe Club
Car Club
MG Car Club (Abingdon Works Centre) Open during the week to visitors and enthusiasts with interesting diplays.
Kimber House, 12 Cemetery Road, Abingdon, OX14 1AS
Carbon Cutters
Abingdon Carbon Cutters and Plastic Free Abingdon community action
Ceroc Dance Classes
Abingdon Tuesdays
Ceroc Oxford ceroc_oxford@hotmail.com
Chamber of Commerce
Church in Abingdon/ATCC
Margaret Langsford m.langsford@tesco.net
Civic Society
Concert Band
Abingdon Concert Band
Please email chair@abingdonconcertband.org.uk
Cricket Club
Abingdon Vale Cricket Club
Hales & Hays Meadow, Culham Road, OX14 3HP
Croquet Club
Thames Valley Croquet Club has been meeting in Abingdon for over 20 years. We play at the Cricket Club on Hales Meadow Culham Road Abingdon Oxon OX14 3HP
Contact: Secretary Lesley Hunter 01235 835092 or Gillian Pett 01235 526033
Disability Access Group
Vale Disability Access Group through District Council Access team
Mike Moon mmoon32102@aol.com
Drama Club
Abingdon Drama Club
Mike Ward chairman@abingdon-drama-club.com
6 Marcham Road, OX14 1AA
Drayton Road Allotments
Drayton Road Allotment Association
Dyslexia Abingdon
Come to ask questions, share stories or simply be with dyslexic folks. Everybody is welcome. It is not meant to be a coaching or problem solving service, although attendees may have useful information to share.
10am to 12pm 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at Pablo Lounge Bury Street Abingdon OX14 3QY
For further information, Facebook page or email DyslexiaAbingdon@gmail.com
Fairtrade Group
Abingdon Fairtrade Group is operated by Abingdon Chamber of Commerce and enthusiasts with support of Town Council who were early achivers of Fair Trade Town status
Please contact events@abingdonchamber.co.uk
OXFAM on Stert Street is one location with Fairtrade and fairly traded produce
Family History Society
Berkshire Family History Society: Abingdon (Vale of White Horse) Branch
Mrs. V. Chappell Abingdon@berksfhs.org.uk
Long Furlong Community Centre, Boulter Drive, OX14 1XP
Film Society
Abingdon College & District Film Society
Geoff Bailey info@abfilms.org.uk
http://www.abfilms.org.uk/ Thursday night films, always the best of classic and alternative films October to April
Abingdon Resource & Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive, OX14 3GD
Membership is available for the town’s commercial cinema
Flower Club
Abingdon Flower Club
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX141NS
Abingdon Town Football Club
Abingdon Town FC has league matches with a first and second team based at Abingdon Bridge.
Youth teams are supported and social events. From 2018 improvements are being made and a new field is available for matches and training.
A regular car boot sale is held at their ground.
Abingdon United Football Club
Abingdon United Football and Social Club
Northcourt Road, Abingdon OX14 1PL Music at the Northcourt and Comedy at the Northcourt on Fridays
St Edmund’s Football Club
St Edmund’s Football Club
Geoff Young geoffandflorenceyoung@hotmail.com
Freewheeling Cycling Club
http://www.abingdonfreewheeling.org.uk/ Festival of cycling in Spring
GO Active
VWHDC GO Active co-ordinator Lots of sports and fitness on the District leisure pages special activities including half term for under 19s, women’s sports and fitness, over 50s activities.
Clubs at the White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre, Tilsley Park Athletics Centre, town and village sports pitches and halls
Anna Clarke anna.clarke@southandvale.gov.uk ashley.chapman@southandvale.gov.uk
Grace Notes Women’s Chorus
Meeting on the first and third Thursdays of the month. 7.30pm-9pm
The Abbey Sutton Courtenay, The Green, Sutton Courtenay, OX14 4AF
Grace Notes Women’s Chorus is a non-auditioning choir so it attracts people who might not identify themselves as traditional choral singers. We don’t do pop or songs from the shows either but we do enjoy an eclectic repertoire of songs in acapella harmony including folk songs, gospel , lullabies ,and beautiful unusual songs from aural traditions around the world as well as importantly , work by living writers creating new work for Natural Voice choirs. There is no need to read music as all songs are taught by ear by an experienced and clear teacher who likes to create a good sound as well being friendly and fun.We do several short concerts based around Calendar festivals and I run public singing workshops for the wider community there too.
Contact Emily at emformusic@outlook.com
Green Gym
Abingdon Green Gym is active on Saturdays
Eleanor Dangerfield 07931 363465 abingdon.green.gym@googlemail.com
Harmony InSpires
Ladies A Capella Chorus rehearsing in Appleton
Contact Claire Cookson info@harmonyinspires.org
Healthy Abingdon
Working together to improve health and wellbeing in the town. Their website has a useful directory of support services aailable.
Contact healthyabingdon@aol.com
History Club
Radley History Club
History Society
AAAHS (Abingdon and Area Archaeology and History Society) runs the history section of this website and holds interesting meetings
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX14 1NS
Hockey Club
We are a small, vibrant and friendly club with bags of spirit! We welcome all ages and levels of player and train every Tuesday evening at Tilsley Park.
Visit our website at www.abingdonhockey.org
or contact us directly at abingdonhc@gmail.com
Abingdon Horticultural Society (AHS)
Established 1885
For more information, please contact secretary@abingdon-hort-soc.org.
Meetings and shows are held in the Northcourt Centre
Abingdon branch of HOST
Hosting international students for visits with a host family
Local contact: Margaret Hancox margaret@margarethancox.freeserve.co.uk
Isis Chamber Orchestra
Talented musicians who play classical and modern chamber orchestra repertoire to a very high standard. Availabe to book for functions or charity fund raising for a contribution towards music hire.
Machine and Hand Knitting Club
Contact: 522321 call at Masons shops on Bath Street or Stert Street for more wool and fabric groups
Abbey Meadows Lacemakers
Preston Road Community Centre, Midget Close, OX14 5NR
Lawn Tennis Club
Abingdon Lawn Tennis Club
James Eastwood jim@abingdontennisclub.com
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Long Furlong Community Centre
Long Furlong Community Centre, Boulter Drive, OX14 1XP
Lions International
Abingdon Lions Club sec@abingdonlions.org
Conservative Club, 59 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5AG
Marie Curie Fundraiser Group
(Didcot and Abingdon)
Contact Brenda Feeney: brenda.feeney@btinternet.com
Model Railway Club
Abingdon Model Railway Club
Abrail – annual model railway exhibition in March
Peter Hunt secretary@admrc.org.uk
Dramatic societies in town are being enhanced by a new offer in 2020. Moonhawk is an initiative to produce high quality plays which make use of talented local people particularly those who are aiming to go to drama college or specialise in drama and arts at university. More on social media.
More in Common
Abingdon More In Common Group
Email: abingdonmoreincommon@gmail.com
Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers
Mr Hemmings’ Traditional Morris Dancers
Abingdon Museum Friends
Sue Stevens fred.stevens1@ntlworld.com
Talks and events advertised on the events calendar on this website
Further information about the Museum Friends can be found here
Most events held at St Helens Church Centre, West St Helen Street, OX14 5BS
Abingdon Music Centre
Community choirs and orchestras, guitar, ukulele, recorder and other instrumental groups. Music for all ages and pre school groups for relaxing sessions with parents. Swingtime and varied styles, also classical and all ages use the music centre. Popular town organisation with regular concerts, some in St Helen’s Church.
Formerly at Guildhall the base is now Larkmead School with outreach at other venues which include Checker Walk.
admin@abingdonmusic.co.uk www.abingdonmusic.co.uk for a full listing with days of the week
Music Society
Abingdon & District Music Society
Abingdon Symphony Orchestra Mondays Abingdon Symphony Chorus meets Thursdays and joint concerts
Linda Staniford lindastaniford@hotmail.com
National Trust
Abingdon & District National Trust Association
Ruth Weinberg ruthweinberg@waitrose.com
Trinity Church during closure of Guildhall, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JD
Naturalists Society
Abingdon Naturalists Society
Meetings held at Christ Church, Northcourt Road, Abingdon , Oxon OX14 1PL
Netball Club
Abingdon Centre Netball Club
abingdoncentre@live.co.uk and netball at the leisure centre
One Planet Abingdon Climate Emergency Centre
An inspirational community hub run by volunteers for the benefit of the people and the planet. Building resilience in a climate emergency, right in the centre of Abingdon-on-Thames. We want to help create a One Planet Abingdon where everyone in the town is focused on living within the earth’s resources. We want the Climate Emergency Centre to be a space where the magic happens, connecting and supporting our community to change their lifestyles and reduce their carbon footprint and enhance biodiversity whilst addressing issues of social injustice and inequality and thereby building resilience and cohesion.
Email contact@oneplanetabingdon.org
Outdoor Pool: Friends of Abbey Meadows Outdoor Pool (FOAMOP)
Heated pool open May to September
Elizabeth Edgecombe emedgecomb@tiscali.co.uk
Peace Group
Abingdon Peace Group
Sally Reynolds abingdonpeace@gmail.com
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX141NS
Plus Group
Abingdon Plus Group
Kath Good drunkkath@yahoo.co.uk
The Brewery Tap 40-42 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5BZ
Radley Lakes: Friends of Radley Lakes
Contact Marjorie White: marj.white@ntlworld.com
Residents Plan
South Abingdon Residents Plan
Rotary Club
Contact: David Pope
Rowing Club
Abingdon Rowing Club
Wilsham Road, Abingdon, OX14 5LD
Abingdon Rugby Football Club
01235 553810
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Abbey Sailing Club
Mick Jones mickasc@googlemail.com
Abbey Sailing Club, Wilsham Road OX14 5LD
Abingdon Scottish Country Dance Club
Hilary Adams, hilaryadams47@gmail.com
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX141NS
Abingdon District Scout Association
Abingdon Sea Cadets
Crabtree Place, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, OX14 3GD
Abingdon Silver Group
Grant Audley-Miller audleymiller@tiscali.co.uk
John Mason School, Wootton Road, Abingdon, OX14 1JB
Slimming World Groups
Abingdon Cricket Club, Culham Road, OX14 3HP Tuesdays 7.30pm
Come and join us or contact Amy on 07739 179872 for more information
Long Furlong Community Centre, Boulter Drive, OX14 1XP
Every Thursday at 9:30am, 3:30pm, 5:00pm & 7:00pm
Come and join us or contact Michelle on 07776 300 276 for more information
Abingdon Squash Club
Graham Wellstead info@abingdon-squash.co.uk
Abingdon Squash & Racketball Club, Northcourt Road, OX14 1NN
St Ethelwold’s Fellowship
30 East St Helen Street, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 5EB Gardens open most days
St John Ambulance
Meet at 200 Caldecott Road, Abingdon-on-Thames
St John Ambulance 40 High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DN
Contact Lauren Crawley, Unit Manager, Abingdon Vale Combined Division
07855 290253
Abingdon Vale Swimming Club
Charlie Seaward secretary@avsc.co.uk
Radley Swimming Club
Richard Stovel r.stovel@googlemail.com
Look at White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre and our District sports information
Town Twinning Society
Abingdon & District Twin Towns Society links with twin towns Argentan (Normandy, France) Lucca (Tuscany, Italy) Schongau (Bavaria Germany) St Niklaas (Belgium) which are civic town links. Colmar (Alsace, France) has a link with our region. There are social connections with other countries including Thames New Zealand and Abingdon Virginia in the USA.
Mr J. Smith secretary@adtts.eu
U3A Abingdon
Abingdonu3a.sec@gmail.com. University of the Third Age talks, walks, outings
Preston Road Community Centre, Midget Close, OX14 5NR
Vesper Rotary Club
Abingdon Vesper Rotary Club
all community correspondence via community@abingdon-rotary.org.uk
Four Pillars Hotel, Marcham Road, Abingdon, OX14 1TZ
Voices of Oxfordshire Choir
Voices of Oxfordshire choir – anyone is welcome of all abilities. A really fun and relaxed singing group, bringing the lovely community together. They sing a wide range of songs from 80’s hits to rock and pop ballads. They sing at Abingdon Northcourt Centre on Thursday evenings, 8-9pm and Didcot Baptist Church on Monday evenings, 8-9pm. It’s £7 per session or £30 for the 5 week block saving you £5.
You can find them on Facebook via the link below
Alternatively, if you search ‘Voices of Oxfordshire singing group’ on Facebook you’ll find them.
Contact details – email joshj12393@gmail.com and telephone 07494431979
Abingdon Wargames Club
Ross Bowrage: Contact via http://www.abingdonwargames.org.uk/
Meet on Fridays 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm at The Neave Room, Abingdon Conservative Club, 59 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5AG
Women’s Institutes
There are 4 Abingdon WIs, all affiliated to the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs.
Abingdon Evening WI(formed June 2009) meeting at Royal British Legion, Spring Road, Abingdon: 3rd Wednesdays 8pm
Contact Justinia Wood 07977 001423 or abingdoneveningwi@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.abingdoneveningwi.wordpress.com/
Abingdon Fitzharrys WI (formed March 1966) meeting at Northcourt Centre, Abingdon: 2nd Tuesdays 7.30pm
Contact Hillary Kell, Secretary at fitzharryswi@yahoo.co.uk
North Abingdon WI(formed November 2003) meeting at Christchurch Hall, Northcourt Road, Abingdon: 1st Wednesdays 2 pm
Contact dbtonks@hotmail.co.uk
01235 253859
Peachcroft WI (formed April 1986) meeting at Northcourt Centre: 3rd Thursdays 10 am
Contact pamdean333@btinternet.com
Oxford and District Woodcarvers Club
Contact email: oxfordwoodcarving@yahoo.co.uk
Meet @ John Mason School during term time, Thursdays between 7pm and 9.00pm New Members always welcome
Abingdon Young Farmers
Abingdon Youth Football Club
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ