Many townspeople get involved in aspects of the town’s heritage notably Abingdon Civic Society – caring for the town’s past, present and future The Heritage Open days in the town in 2021 are planned for the third weekend in September. These dates fit in with the national festval which gives free entry to fascinating places and varied activities. gives further information.
Abingdon’s archaeological and history society contributes massively to this town site, providing research and fascinating information on buildings and people.
With around 200 listed buildings in the town centre alone, On the history section find out about interesting vernacular architecture and visit the places where events (some pleasant, some violent and bloodthirsty) have played out in the past.
You may prefer a guide to show you around and make sure you don’t miss the best, most memorable places. Alternatively, choose to follow a series of informative boards on a heritage trail, The Visitor and Community Information Centre can help you find your way around and is located on the ground floor of the Roysse Court offices, Bridge Street, OX14 3HU or by emailing
Everyone has their own way of exploring, so choose the way you prefer to do things. Phone apps are popular for finding out about each of the towns of southern Oxfordshire.
Walk About Abingdon (07880 913819) offers guided walks every day. They take you on a journey 3,000 years of history in an enjoyable way in just ninety minutes (shorter if you ask) we’ll let them off for not offering Christmas Day but the other 364 yes they can be booked. See their website and twitter @Walk.Abingdon
Local historians and Blue Badge guides are available for groups. All the Tourism SE and blue badge guides have altered their walks to smaller groups with i pad virtual tours to see the inside of anywhere not open for health protection reasons.
For themed history walks please ask the Visitor and Community Information Centre for more information.
Walk.About.Abingdon is a company offering live guided walks around Abingdon-on-Thames. Relax and let the entertaining guides tell you the most interesting and exciting snippets from the town’s history, in the […]
The Abingdon Waterways Walk
Do you prefer to combine a slice of history with a lot of walking? The Abingdon Waterways Walk makes a great day out. It’s an eight mile circular walk taking in […]
Heart of Abingdon Trail
Following the completion of the successful Lost Abbey of Abingdon Heritage Trail project, members of the Abingdon Area Archaeological Society and Friends of Abingdon have formed a new group of […]