BID Project Progresses
The department for Communities and Local Government have confirmed that the team putting together a Business Improvement District proposal for the town centre have been awarded their next tranche of funding. Choose Abingdon Partnership will receive another instalment in the total package of £33 000 which is available if the BID plans come to fruition, bringing the total received to date to over £7 000.
The BID Team consisting of business representatives organised into various groups under the oversight of the Choose Abingdon Partnership is drawing the “ideas” phase to a close now and are writing the draft plan for the five year BID to work to. Businesses will be able to discuss and amend these plans up until the end of August when the final version of the plan will need to go to the printers so that a ballot can take place. If you are an Abingdon town centre business look out for a detailed letter with the draft proposals arriving through your door next week. If you have not received one by 28th July please email to request the letter and feedback form. (or leave a message on 07568 564109)