Events Strategy
Once a visitor has come to Abingdon-on-Thames, there is a very high likelihood of them enjoying their visit and returning again and again. For many people, research shows it was an event that induced them to visit the town in the first place. However staging events just for the sake of it is an unsustainable approach, consuming huge budgets. Our strategy is to encourage genuine grass-roots events to grow and flourish, organised with support by volunteer enthusiasts who know their own interest groups well. By offering advice and contacts, the use of gazebos, public spaces and the community freespace, and help finding grant funding or sponsorship, we can support our community groups in producing a calendar of town events that appeals to a wide range of visitors and local residents.
The Freewheeling Cycling Club is an example, taking their Spring Rides Cycling Festival to a new level in the Market Place in April with 400 riders and all ages represented. Watch the video.