Local Development Order for Milton Park
The Vale of White Horse District Council has launched a survey to gather feedback from residents on proposals to change the Local Development Order (LDO) for Milton Park.
The council wants to review and update the existing LDO in response to its latest policy and objectives, including their own declaration of a Climate Emergency, as well as its Corporate Plan and Didcot Garden Town principles. Milton Park’s commitment to long-term sustainable development is outlined in its 2040 Vision strategy document.
The council has been working with Milton Park to look at a possible extension of the LDO, making changes to the way buildings and facilities are developed in a more environmentally friendly way.
The review has the potential to increase the height of some new energy efficient buildings in certain areas – to a maximum of five storeys high – as well as slightly increasing the overall amount of floorspace by six per cent at Milton Park. It will also explore proposals to create new communal areas, provide a limited amount of short-term accommodation, and explore the need for a new hotel with conference facilities. It will also encourage commuters to use bikes and electric vehicles to travel into work.
To give people an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about what the proposed changes could mean, the council has arranged two live online events. Representatives from the council and Milton Park will be attending to answer questions that residents and local businesses may have. The sessions are open to the public and will take place on the following dates:
- 6pm to 7.30pm on 20 July
- 12pm to 1.30pm on 22 July
Cllr Debby Hallett, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Transformation at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “Listening to all our resident’s views is important to us. The survey and online events will help people living and working around Milton Park ask questions and express their views on these proposed changes.
“The LDO review could see more sustainable investment to Milton Park, in line with our Corporate Plan and Didcot Garden Town principles and could bring more energy efficient buildings and economic growth to the area.”
Philip Campbell, Commercial Director at Milton Park, said: “Through collaborating with stakeholders and the local community, the LDO review process provides us with the opportunity to better understand how we can play our part in supporting local aspirations as we continue our journey to becoming a leading sustainable hub for innovation.
“We would encourage anyone who lives near or has an interest in Milton Park to take part in the council’s consultation, as it’s really important we hear views from all parts of the community.
“We look forward to continue working with the council and the local community as the LDO review begins to take shape.”
Local planning authorities, such as the Vale of White Horse, can adopt LDOs to create a positive planning environment, helping to make investment into identified areas more attractive. LDOs can assist in speeding up the granting of planning permission, which helps to put the right type of development in the right location, such as new offices and laboratories at Milton Park.
Before any changes to the LDO are considered for adoption by a full Council meeting, technical studies and a statutory public consultation will go ahead later this year. The formal consultation will provide another opportunity for people to view and comment on the proposed changes.
To register to attend one of the online events, to complete the survey or to find out more information, please visit www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/MiltonParkLDOreview. The deadline to complete the survey is 11pm on 26 July.