Local businesses in Abingdon town centre have agreed to provide access to their toilets in a new scheme promoted by the town council.
In recent years access to a public toilet in Abingdon has been difficult due to a range of problems including vandalism. Public conveniences are the responsibility of the district council but the town council wanted to help with local provision and looked at projects in other towns.
The new scheme has been launched for the town centre with some businesses agreeing to sign up to a voluntary “welcome” scheme which will allow shoppers and visitors to use their facilities free of charge. Participating businesses will display a poster and add their details to a list to be publicised on the town council website and more widely.
Michael Llamas, the owner of Café Aroma in the High Street, was the first to agree and display the sign in its window highlighting the scheme. The Baptist Church and their 35 Ock Street café are participating, as is Java café in the Market Place.
The Town Council would like to hear from other cafés, restaurants and other businesses interested in participating in this scheme. Please contact the Council on enquiries@abingdon.gov.uk