Remembrance Day Sunday 12th November 2017
This year’s Remembrance Day commemorations will take place on Sunday 12th November 2017 –
10.00 am: Remembrance Day Service at St Helen’s Church led by Rev Mary Williamson.
10.50am: Remembrance Day Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial. The civic party and detachments of the army and local organisations will parade to the War Memorial. The service at the War Memorial will be led by Rev Mary Williamson and music will be provided by Abingdon Town Band. If you plan to attend you are advised to turn up early as more and more people attend the commemorations each year.
Following the sounding of the Last Post, the two minutes silence will be observed at 11.00 am. This will be followed by the laying of wreathes on behalf of the town’s various organisations.
After the service the Band will lead the parade and the Mayor of Abingdon-on-Thames, Cllr Jan Morter will take the salute outside the County Hall Museum.
This is an important event in the life of the town, giving thanks for the lives of those who have served the country and all are welcome and encouraged to attend.