Tranquility where there used to be trade
St Helens Wharf is a beautiful spot overlooking the Thames and it was the other main source of wealth and importance for the town in its early days. The merchants of the St Helens quarter owned many of the attractive town houses which line East St Helen Street today. The area including the wharf once thronged with boats loading and unloading and was the focal point for those who relied on trade rather than the monastery for their livelihoods.
Today it is a delightful location for watching boats go by, feeding the ducks, geese and swans or enjoying a pint at the old Anchor public house which was moved from the water’s edge to a spot across the road when the whole wharf area was remodelled. The magnificent sweep of the right-angled bend in the River Thames which occurs at this point makes it a vantage point for looking both up and down stream, and the Margaret Brown Gardens just beyond the wharf offer seats and a tranquil place to enjoy the view.
To find out more about the ancient buildings in this part of the town, visit our history section.