There are a number of clubs in the town involved in sports of all kinds. Most offer a variety of levels at which you can engage, and encourage learners and new members to join them and to have a go.
Details of many of our local clubs are listed below. If any information is wrong or if a group is missing, please email information to or call in to the Information Centre to provide details.
You can post details of specific major events on the calendar.
AbiBike campaigns for better cycling facilities and services in Abingdon-on-Thames. Schools, businesses and residents can get involved. Contact
Abingdon Athletics & Running Club
Club Secretary
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
Abingdon Boccia Club
Meeting bi-weekly at the White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre 1-2pm on Sundays
£3 per person
Email –
Find a club | Boccia England Limited
Abingdon Cycling Club (ACC)
Rides go out on Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings, and Wednesday evenings.
Visit for more information
Abingdon Freewheeling has Tuesday and Thursday evening cycle rides and runs an April festival in town and a women’s cycling group meets regularly.
Abingdon Kyushindo Karate
Kyushindo at the Abingdon Conservative Club, Ock Street, is ideal for juniors and adults.
Kyushindo is a Martial Art influenced by traditional Shotokan Karate and Judo Japanese styles with the flowing forms of Chinese ‘soft style’ arts, principally T’ai Chi and Baguazhang. We emphasise effective techniques rather than physical strength. Kyushindo is trained in a safe environment by knowledgeable and experienced instructors. Techniques are applied safely and skilfully in partnered practice and non-contact sparring.
Kyushindo is not a business which keeps costs very low. 07708 197743
Athletics Club (Radley)
Radley Athletics Club amalgamated into clubs at Tilsley Park
Kay Reynolds
Tilsley Park, Dunmore Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PU
Badminton Clubs
Abingdon Badminton Club meets on Mondays
Mike’s Abingdon Badminton Club meets on Wednesdays
Evenlode Badminton Club
Larkmead Badminton Wednesday evenings
Open sessions at the leisure centre and teams through GOActive with adults, juniors, learners and also wheelchair basketball
Bowling Club
Abingdon Bowling Club
Non members and visitors welcome, regular taster sessions
The Green Albert Park, Park Crescent, Abingdon, OX14 1DF
Training is available through the club specifically to assist young people over 8 years with boxing for fitness, confidence, self defence skills
Kingfisher Canoe Club
Wilsham Road, Abingdon, OX14 5LD
Other canoeing activities and clubs are also at Wilsham Road
Ceroc Dance Classes
Ceroc Oxford
Currently meeting in town on Tuesday evenings looking for a large venue. Beginners turn up early evening, other dancers join later.
Cricket Club
Abingdon Vale Cricket Club
Hales & Hays Meadow, Culham Road, OX14 3HP
Dojang X Martial Arts Academy
Family martial arts club that caters for mixed ages. We train in the traditional Korean Art of Soo Bahk Do. Our classes cover self-defence, fitness and character development in a supportive environment. Free trial session available. Contact us to book.
Saturdays 10-11am
Tuesdays 5-6pm (starting Jan 2023)
Location: Long Furlong Community Centre, OX14 1XP
Contact details:
Abingdon Fencing Club
Abingdon Fencing Club meet on a Thursday evening in the Gym at St Helens & St Katharine School Faringdon Road between 7-10pm. The junior (8-16 year old) section meets between 7-8pm followed by the adult session from 8-10pm.
Web address is with email contact of
Contact number 07394 828909 07821 758480
Football Club (Abingdon Town)
Abingdon Town FC has information on the local football league site.
Social nights and regular weekend car boot sales are held at the ground on the Culham Road side of Abingdon bridge.
Football Club (Abingdon United)
Abingdon United Football and Social Club
Northcourt Road, Abingdon OX14 1PL hosts Friday Music at Northcourt and also Comedy nights
Abingdon Youth Football Club
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Football Club (St Edmund’s)
St Edmund’s Football Club
Geoff Young
Other youth teams are available in town
Freewheeling Cycling Club
Freewheeling host a spring cycle festival and rides out every week.
Friends of Abbey Meadows Outdoor Pool (FOAMOP)
Elizabeth Edgecombe heated pool open late May to September …
GO Active
VWHDC Get Oxfordshire Active co-ordinator offers free sports for pleasure or to learn new, enjoyable ways of getting exercise. Ball sports include tennis, hockey, over 50s walking football. Nordic walking, yoga, martial arts are all on offer at set times. There is a Juniors offer of sports and activities, some out of term time. Please look at the sports and leisure pages of some reciprocal services with the whole of Southern Oxfordshire such as swimming and leisure centre passes
Green Gym
Abingdon Green Gym gets exercise through gardening, scrub clearing, conservation of town nature areas, with some Saturday mornings in the fresh air.
Eleanor Dangerfield 07931 363465
Hockey Club
Abingdon Hockey Club
Abingdon Atoms Korfball Club
Training on Thursday evenings, currently at Abingdon School. Beginners always welcome. In 2019 there are sessions on other evenings to learn this sport in mixed teams. See all their social media or the town diary.
Lawn Tennis Club
Abingdon Lawn Tennis Club
James Eastwood
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Mike’s Badminton Group
We are Mike’s Badminton Group and we play on Wednesday evenings at John Mason School. A non-league club – no League – no pressure, just a good fun evening. Whether you are young or old, a seasoned player or just a bit rusty, you are very welcome to join us at 7.45pm until 9.45pm.
For more information, please see our website ‘Mike’s Badminton Group’ e-mail:
Netball Club
Abingdon Centre Netball Club
Julia Allaway 01235 209007
Rowing Club
Abingdon Rowing Club
Wilsham Road, Abingdon, OX14 5LD
Head of the river race starts the season. Activities on the Thames are dependent on river conditions which can be seen on Environment Agency information.
Rugby/Football Club
Abingdon Rugby Football Club
01235 553810
Southern Town Park, Lambrick Way, OX14 5TJ
Sailing Club
Abbey Sailing Club
Mick Jones
Abbey Sailing Club, Wilsham Road OX14 5LD
Squash Club
Abingdon Squash Club
Graham Wellstead
Abingdon Squash & Racketball Club, Northcourt Road, OX14 1NN
Swimming Club
Abingdon Vale Swimming Club
Charlie Seaward
Swimming Club
Radley Swimming Club
Contact Richard Stovel at
Abingdon Riverside Table Tennis Club
Monthly, Sunday evening sessions at Thameside Primary School, Cotman Close, Abingdon. We welcome players of all abilities and have teams in the Didcot & District league for those who wish to play more regularly.
Contact Pat O’Regan at
Tennis Club
Abingdon Tennis Clubs
Triathlon Society
Group runs in Abingdon on Mondays, coached running, cycling or circuit training on Tuesdays at a range of venues in the local area. Swim coaching on Thursdays at the White Horse Pool. Drop us a line to find out more about our friendly and welcoming club, or to arrange to attend a trial session.