Community Led Plan Meeting – 16th April 2018 at 6pm
Reminder about this evenings Community Led Plan Meeting
Following the Community Survey which took place in the autumn, the results have now been collated and analysed.
Residents are now invited to help progress the work at a series of meetings which will focus on the issues which have been highlighted by the survey as priorities. To each of the meetings we are inviting representatives of the various organisations who have responsibilities in relation to the matters under consideration.
The next meeting is:
Town Retail, town centre development and Parking: Monday 16th April 2018 – Guildhall Roysse Room at 6pm.
At each meeting there will be discussion of the issues facing the town in relation to the theme of the meeting. Organisations with responsibilities will take away actions and matters for further consideration. Most importantly it is intended that groups and individuals in the community can be empowered and tasked with taking initiatives forward from the meetings. The intention is that the Community Led Plan becomes a living rolling action plan of activity which will help address the issues raised in the survey and improve Abingdon for all.
You do need to register in order to attend and you may do this by e-mailing