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The Road to RECOVERY: Finding Treatments for a Pandemic (A talk by Prof Sir Martin Landray FMedSci OA 1987)

Friday 24th February, 2023 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Martin Landray (OA 1987) is Professor of Medicine & Epidemiology at Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, and the Chief Executive of Protas, a not-for-profit company, focused on the design and delivery of highly efficient randomised trials of treatments for major public health conditions. He will give a fascinating talk on his pivotal role in the RECOVERY trial (the world’s largest trial of potential treatments for COVID-19 and the discovery that dexamethasone reduces mortality for the sickest patients) for which he received a knighthood for services to public health and science.

Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the OX14 Learning Partnership. For more information please click here.

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Amey Theatre, Abingdon School
Abingdon School Park Road
Abingdon, OX14 1DE United Kingdom
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01235 849063