Marian Wenzel in 1987 as Curator of Abingdon Abbey

Marian Wenzel in 1987 as curator of Abingdon Abbey.
Marian Wenzel in 1987 as curator of Abingdon Abbey.
Marian Wenzel setting up an exhibition of her work in London, January 1972. Reproduced by kind permission of the Daily Telegraph.
Amphritite – a sculpture by Marian Wenzel. Photo by Abingdon County Hall Museum.
Stecci at Radimlja, Bosnia. Photo by Kit36a at Hungarian Wikipedia, from Wikipedia commons.
The Islamic glass fragments at the Abingdon County Hall Museum. Photo by the Abingdon County Hall Museum.
Bromley Challenor junior
The inscription on the Abingdon Joint Hospital. It includes ‘B. Challenor. Clerk.’
© Jackie Smith 2017
The title page of Selections from the Municipal Chronicles of the Borough of Abingdon and, attached on the left, a letter from Bromley junior dated 23 December 1904 to the recently elected new mayor, E L Shepherd, sending him a copy of the book.
© Photographed from a privately owned copy by the owner.
The Candelabrum.
The image is from The Abingdon Corporation plate ed. A C Baker, author A E Preston, Abingdon, 1958, pp. 56-58).
Bromley junior and his family outside The Firs in 1912.
From left to right: young Bromley, Mercy, Norman, Bromley junior and his wife Martha, Gladys, Ethel, Basil, Oscar. (Marion, his third daughter, had died of scarlet fever when she was 5 years old.)
© With thanks to Marion Cox