1944 – Breaking in to Fortress Europe. WWII Talk Series by Gareth Howell
BBC Nottingham’s history advisor and renowned history speaker Gareth Howell returns to continue the story of World War II.
‘The Germans have been kicked out of Africa after huge losses in the Tunisia campaign, and Italy is looking for a way out of the war. On the Eastern Front the Germans have suffered a heavy defeat at Stalingrad but are preparing for one last gamble at Kursk in an effort to turn the tide, while the skies are the scene of furious battles as the British and Americans look too bomb Germany in to submission. The U-Boat menace has already been defeated. But have the Allies got what it takes to break into fortress Europe?’
This is the story of these times, continuing the series of talks began in Abingdon in 2014. We look at the fighting in Sicily, Kursk, Italy, Ukraine, and the skies of Europe, before examining the D-Day landings. Europe will never be the same again.
Booking Essential
Tickets: Adults £10 / Children £8
The Location has been changed and will be now held at the Roysse Court, Bridge Street, Abingdon.
This room is on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible.
To book your seats please click here or visit www.ticketsource.co.uk/abingdon-museum
Alternatively you can purchase your ticket at the Museum reception (firtst floor), by cash or card.