Abingdon Air and Country Show
Good news. After a year out due to the ongoing Covid Pandemic, the team are busy planning for the annual Airshow and Country Show to take place at Abingdon Airfield (Dalton Barracks), There will be something for every member of the family.
The Show has moved from May to a later date of Saturday 11th September 2021.
It is hoped that with the restrictions virtually gone by then (if the roadmap set by Boris Johnson more or less folows its path) this will be almost a normal show.
This year will feature a 3 hour Flying Display program, Static aircraft, Crafts, Music, Classic Vehicles, Re-Enactors, ex Military Vehicles, Arena Displays and lots more.
We will also other various refreshments and a variety of Trade Stalls.
The Car Parks open by 8am, Show opens at 10am ends after 5pm with the site closing by 7pm.
Tickets are on sale online only from our website: www.abingdonairandcountry.co.uk