Brian Freeland – View from the Wings
This talk developed from Brian’s experiences with everything from variety (Butlins and the London Palladium) to the Royal Shakespeare Company, National Theatre, Scottish Opera and Sadler’s Wells Ballet. The stage manager’s view from the prompt corner is very different to that from a comfortable seat in the Stalls or Circle. Reality theatre – no retakes, and ‘slightly saucy’. Brian’s career started in 1959, direct from National Service, as a trainee manager at the London Palladium and it has taken him to 43 different countries including 3 residencies in the Middle East, 8 tours of the Indian sub-continent and around the globe twice. Approaching retirement, he branched out into directing amateur dramatics, writing scripts and giving talks – and finally found time to write his long-promised autobiography called “Meanderings: a River and a Life”.