Clothes Swap
Saturday 29th April, 2023 - 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Time to tidy out your wardrobe again! A Spring and Summer theme this time. Find 2-5 items that you no longer wear, exchange them for your tokens and see if you can find some great swaps! All items must be in good condition and freshly laundered. Please bring on hangers if possible. No accessories or sports clothing. The fast fashion industry is incredibly damaging to the environment. By swapping clothes you prevent waste and things going to landfill. Clothing is very difficult to recycle due to the fact it’s often mixed fabrics. Better to keep it in circulation as long as possible. Preloved is 100% better than Fast! Hope to see you there: 11-3 at the Roysse Room. Refreshments available at One Planet Abingdon.