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Heritage Weekend

Saturday 14th September, 2024 - 10:00 am - Sunday 15th September, 2024 - 4:00 pm

Heritage Weekend is a highlight of late summer in Abingdon. The Friends of Abingdon co-ordinate a weekend of open properties, exhibitions and activities to showcase the town’s rich history. We link up with the national Heritage Open Days who suggest a theme each year. This year it is “Transport, Routes and Connections.”

Abingdon was connected by a network of paths, roads and waterways which sustained trade, travel and daily life for thousands of years:

  • Look at old maps, pictures and stories in two exhibitions, one in the historic Guildhall and one at the Long Alley Almshouses.
  • Learn about the Lost Railway of Abingdon at Unit 24 and see an 18 foot working model (00 gauge) of Abingdon station, yard and tracks
  • Families with young children will enjoy the Brio trainset available to play with in the Roysse Room (and also available to win by completing our town trail).
  • Older children will enjoy the Iron Age Experience at the Abbey Buildings (Saturday only) with crafts and interactive demonstrations.
  • And “kids” of all ages will want to test themselves against the Fun Facts quizmaster!
  • Connections aren’t just physical and the displays include information about the Abingdon telephone exchange (now gone) and the DAWN talking newspapers service (still thriving).
  • Abingdon Artists will be holding their “Landscape in a Day” open competition on Saturday – watch them at work and see the results in a display in St Nic’s Church.
  • On Sunday there will be a celebration of MG cars, Abingdon’s most famous export, with over 20 vehicles in the Market Place.

Historic properties around the town will be open to view including Abingdon Guildhall, St Helen’s and St Nicolas’ Churches, the Baptist Church and 35 Ock Street, St Ethelwold’s House, Kimber House (MG Museum), the medieval Merchant’s House, the Georgian solicitor’s offices on Ock Street, the Abbey Buildings and the Old Ticket Office at Culham.

You can find more details including opening times and locations at www.abingonheritage.org.uk  or come to our Information Stall on the Market Place to start your journey around the town. We can provide advice, maps and a printed programme packed with all the information you will need to enjoy Heritage Weekend to the full.

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Saturday 14th September, 2024 - 10:00 am
Sunday 15th September, 2024 - 4:00 pm

