The Arts Society Lecture – BRUEGEL: PEASANTS, PROVERBS AND LANDSCAPES by Paula Nuttall
The Arts Society Abingdon lecture on 19 January 2022 – BRUEGEL: PEASANTS, PROVERBS AND LANDSCAPES by Paula Nuttall – will be held online at 11.00 and 14.00. You can book via info@theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk and links will be sent out a day or so before the lecture.
The art of Pieter Bruegel the Elder is a byword for the depiction of genre subjects and landscapes. This lecture explores his work and its meanings, from his beginnings in the style of Hieronymus Bosch, to the development of a highly original art that offered an alternative to the Italianate art then in vogue. Working for an elite circle of connoisseurs, at the end of his short life he produced some of his greatest masterpieces, including the Peasant Dance and Peasant Wedding, and the lyrical Months of the Year, which rank amongst the greatest achievements of Netherlandish painting.
Visitors £6. Information, Updates & future lectures and activities Visit www.theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk or email info@theartssocietyabingdon.org.uk