Their Finest Hour – Preserving your Second World War Memories
Fitzharrys School, Abingdon would like to invite you to bring your stories and objects relating to the Second World War to their Digital Collection Day on Saturday 16th September from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
The event is part of a nationwide campaign organised by Their Finest Hour, a team based at the University of Oxford and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, which is collecting and preserving the everyday stories and objects of the Second World War.
At the Digital Collection Day, stories about your family’s wartime experience – and associated objects such as diaries, letters, medals, journals and ration books – will be recorded, digitised, and then uploaded to the Their Finest Hour online archive, which will be free-to-use and launch in June 2024.
There is plenty of free parking on site.
For more information, please visit our web page: https://www.fitzharrys.oxon.sch.uk/community/their-finest-hour/