Talk: “Basic Arguments for Veganism” with Paul Freestone
A talk by Paul Freestone, a speaker for several animal rights groups (Animal Aid, VIVA & The Vegetarian Society) who is used to covering a wide range of issues from factory farming and human health to the environmental impact of the meat industry.
The devastating environmental impact of global meat and dairy production is destroying the planet. This includes pollution, methane emissions, and the destruction of ecosystems. Animal farming is totally unsustainable, it requires vast amounts of pasture land and crops for animal feed. In less than 60 years the world’s wildlife has been decimated, and replaced with billions of cows, sheep, pigs etc. Only 4% of wild mammals remain. Over 70 billion animals are slaughtered globally each year, and this represents a staggering moral obscenity. Also, industrial fishing (including fish farms) is destroying the world’s oceans. Individuals can make the crucial choice to follow a vegan diet (or eat mainly plant based foods).
The Covid pandemic highlights the fact that human interference in the natural world is creating new deadly zoonotic (animal to human) diseases. Humans have to change before it’s too late, and veganism represents a vital choice with numerous advantages. Respect for sentient animals and the natural world, food production that is efficient, sustainable and environmentally positive. Also, healthy vegan diets that will reverse the catastrophic impact of obesity and diabetes.
Free talk but BOOKING REQUIRED : “Basic Arguments for Veganism” with Paul Freestone – One Planet Abingdon