Christs Hospital of Abingdon – Home Learning Project
Abingdon Town Council has been working with Christ’s Hospital of Abingdon who have recently funded an initiative that enables schools to provide every child in Abingdon access to the equipment they need to effectively carry out home learning during the pandemic, and beyond, now that the use of such technology has become a fundamental part of teaching and is viewed as an essential skill for 80% of jobs available when they eventually leave school.
The Governors of Christ Hospital are delighted to have been able to support one of their key commitments to help provide educational support to Abingdon school pupils in need by funding 143 laptops so far.
Christ’s Hospital of Abingdon is the oldest of Oxfordshire’s charities and dates from 1553. It provides assistance to the people of Abingdon through four primary means:
1) The provision of Almshouses to townsfolk who are of good character, over 50 years of age and in need,
2) The support of those referred to the Charity by care agencies by assisting with the purchase of essential items,
3) Educational support to school pupils from Abingdon,
4) The support of local organizations deemed by the Governors to be of benefit to Abingdon townsfolk who are in need.
The Charity also provides public service to the town by maintaining Albert Park for use by the people of Abingdon and by maintaining the town’s historical Almshouses to the standards required of listed buildings and of comfortable modern living.