Abingdon Flood Defences – Proposals for Temporary Flood Barrier
Abingdon Flood Defences – Proposals for Temporary Flood Barrier
Abingdon Town Council has organised a meeting with the Environment Agency (EA) at which the EA will update residents on their work in relation to Abingdon Flood Defences and outline their proposals for a temporary flood barrier. The meeting will take place in the Roysse Room at 7pm on Thursday 18th July 2019.
Chair of the Council’s Planning, Consultations and Highways Committee, Cllr Jeanette Halliday, stated “Many residents were badly affected by flooding in 2007 and with the climate emergency this is likely to get worse. The meeting with the Environment Agency gives concerned residents an opportunity to listen to the EA’s plans and ask questions. All interested residents are very welcome to the meeting.”
Leader of the Council, Cllr Samantha Bowring, stated: “Flooding and how its potential impact may be properly managed and reduced remains a major issue for the town. This council is keen that residents should be fully engaged with all plans on matters affecting the town and so we are pleased that the Environment Agency is coming to speak directly with residents regarding their work and the plans which will directly affect them.