Clothes Swap
Another chance to bring along the favourites from your wardrobe that you no longer wear and swap them for ‘new’ pre-loved favourites from someone else’s wardrobe!
Bring 2-5 items, clean and in good condition, with a summer feel if possible. You’ll get tokens to swap for each item brought along.
Remember, you can also donate if you find more things than you have tokens for and, if you just want to donate clothes that would also be very welcome.
Donations of clothing prior to the event will be accepted at One Planet Abingdon on the Thursday and Friday before the event. Please say if you require tokens when dropping stuff off.
We will only be accepting adult size clothing, no accessories or footwear.
Simple changing rooms will be available as will the usual One Planet Abingdon homemade cake and a cuppa!
CHANGE OF VENUE: We will be in the beautiful Roysse Room this time