Parish Meeting this Tuesday 12th March
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th March 2019, in the Roysse Room, Guildhall, Abingdon-on-Thames at 7pm.
All interested residents are welcome to attend.
Held once a year the Annual Town Meeting is organised by the Town Council on behalf of the electors of Abingdon. This is not a Council meeting but is an opportunity for residents to raise and discuss matters affecting the town and express their views.
Chairmen of the various Town Council committees will give their reports on the work of the Council during the last year and be available to answer any questions and hear your comments.
A major project for the Council during 2018/19 has been the major improvements to the Guildhall and the opening of the Abbey Cinema. Following an improvement and refurbishment scheme, the Abbey Cinema has been operating from the Abbey Hall since December 2018 and the Guildhall is now available for hire. The Guildhall is managed and operated by the Abbey Cinema on behalf of the Town Council. Sue and Ian Wiper of the Abbey Cinema will make a presentation regarding the facilities available to residents and will then be available to discuss matters with the meeting and answer any questions.
Please note that the meeting is on TUESDAY at 7pm in the Roysse Room, the Guildhall and not Wednesday, as has been reported elsewhere.
For further information please see the Agenda