It is with much regret that after careful consideration we have decided that we will be unable to host the Mayors Over 70’s Christmas Party this year. An annual event allowing the residents of Abingdon who are over 70 to get together for an afternoon of festive food and music (and even a bit of a boogie).
Unfortunately, as Abingdon is in Tier two, the government guidelines do not allow for the usual celebrations this year and the safety of our residents must remain our highest priority.
However, we know that this winter might be tougher than ever for over 70’s so we’ve collected together some useful leaflets and information for anyone who might benefit.
We’ve got tips and advice from Age UK, some recipe cards for warming winter food and even a Printable Christmas Card from the Mayor to brighten up your mantelpiece.
If you know of someone that would like a Christmas card from the Mayor or any of the below information that does not have access to the internet please let us know on 01235 522642 and we will arrange to send them out.
We hope to be back bigger and better than ever next year, but until then have a safe and Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year!