Councillor Jeanette Halliday
It is with great sadness that I am writing to let you know that Cllr Jeanette Halliday passed away on Friday 17th April 2020. Jeanette had been poorly since just after Christmas but her passing has come as a great shock to all her friends and colleagues here at the Council and in the wider community of Abingdon.
Jeanette was a town councillor from 1993 to 2003 and then since 2007 to her untimely passing. During her time on the Council she held many roles including Mayor of Abingdon 1998-99 (having previously also acted as Deputy Mayor during 1997-98 and Escort to the Mayor, Cllr Jim Halliday, during 1995-96.), Leader of the Council, Chair of Planning, Chair of Twinning, and played a leading role in Abingdon-in-Bloom and in designing the annual Christmas Lights display for many years. She also represented the Council on many outside bodies – most notably the St Edmund of Abingdon Memorial Trust, and the Albert Memorial (Abingdon) Trust, as well as several school governing bodies – in particular Carswell Primary school. In the early 2000s Jeanette served on the National Executive committee of the Association of Larger Local Councils. At the time of her untimely passing Jeanette was Chair of the Planning, Highways and Consultations Committee, and was co-ordinating a resident’s group writing the Albert Park Conservation Area Appraisal document. She was also an Executive Committee Member of the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils. Additionally, Jeanette served for a period as a District Councillor.
Jeanette was a hardworking and dedicated councillor, building up a great deal of knowledge about Abingdon and in particular the Fitzharris / Ock ward which she represented. She was generous with her time with residents, councillors and staff. She brought great warmth and personality to meetings. She had an incisive and enquiring mind, not afraid to ask difficult questions but always tempering this with her caring and generous spirit and her great sense of humour.
Jeanette leaves her husband Jim, son Mark, daughter-in-law Takako, and daughter Carole. Our thoughts go out to the family at this very difficult time.
In the current difficult circumstances the funeral will be private but we are hoping to hold a thanksgiving service at a later date to celebrate Jeanette’s life and contribution to Abingdon.
Jeanette will be greatly missed by everyone.
Nigel Warner, Town Clerk.