Meeting in relation to the Abbey Hall and the Guildhall
A Special Parish Meeting was held on 15th January 2018 to discuss the Abbey Hall and the Guildhall. However due to space constraints not everyone was able to get in to the meeting.
Consequently the Mayor offered to organise a meeting for those who could not get in. Please note that both the venue and the time of the meeting has been changed and this meeting will now take place at 7.30 pm on Monday 22nd January 2018 at St Helen’s Church.
We are e-mailing those who have this week registered to attend the meeting, to inform them of the change of venue and time. We will have a member of staff at the Guildhall for anyone who attends there and the change of time should enable anyone who turns up at the Guildhall to get to St Helen’s Church in time for the meeting.
Please note that in calling residents forward to speak at the meeting, the Mayor will be giving strict priority to those who could not get in to the meeting on 15th January.
Only residents of Abingdon will be entitled to speak at the meeting.
The agenda for the meeting will be:
A meeting organised by Cllr Jan Morter, the Mayor of Abingdon-on-Thames, to discuss the Guildhall and the Abbey Hall will take place at 7.30pm on Monday 22nd January 2018 at St Helen’s Church Abingdon.
1 General Introduction
The Mayor of Abingdon-on-Thames, Councillor Jan Morter, will chair the meeting.
2 The Abbey Hall and the Guildhall
A Special Parish Meeting took place on 15th January 2018. This meeting was requested by 11 residents and called by the Mayor to discuss the following:
- The urgent need for the Abbey Hall to be re-furbished and re-opened in the near future in order to provide, once again, a much-needed community facility for the people of Abingdon;
- The need to both improve inclusive access to all parts of the Guildhall complex and, equally importantly, to preserve and protect the historic fabric of the building, which is one of Abingdon’s civic treasures.
This evening’s meeting has been called by the Mayor to give those residents who could not be admitted to the Special Parish meeting, the opportunity to discuss the above matters.
Minutes will be taken of the meeting and published on the website
For more information on the Guildhall Development Project please click here.