Parish/Town Meeting
The Town Meeting, also known as a Parish Meeting, is a meeting of the local government electors of Abingdon-on-Thames which may be attended by all electors of the town.
Under statute an Annual Parish or Town Meeting is convened annually by the Mayor and must take place annually between 1st March and 1st June. The Mayor chairs the meeting and the meeting itself is organised by the Town Council. However it is not a meeting of the Town Council itself. Whilst it is not a legal requirement, the Council takes the opportunity at the meeting to provide updates on its work. The Chairs of the Council’s various Committees present reports to the meeting to detail what the Committee has been doing during the last year.
The Annual Town Meeting for 2020 took place in the Roysse Room at the Guildhall on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7pm and a report of matters raised by the public and answers given may be accessed by clicking here.